
Friday, May 16, 2014

Godzilla Review

Let me start this review by saying that I don't know that much about Godzilla. I'm pretty sure the only Godzilla movie I have ever seen was the 1998 Matthew Broderick film. From what I know now, that movie sucks. I haven't seen it in years so I can't give my opinion on the matter. So I went into this movie only knowing what I have read about Godzilla. I know that sometimes he is the person that the military goes after and sometimes he saves humanity. This movie kinda had both. There were scenes were the military shot at Godzilla, and many scenes where he saves the day. I'm going to try and do this review with as few of spoilers as I can manage.

The plot to this movie is pretty straight forward. There is a secret program that has been housing and experimenting on a giant egg sac they found. The egg sac hatches into some flying bug creature (not Mothra, I should add), and the government needs to stop it. This all leads to the revelation that Godzilla is out there and maybe he could help save the day. Intermingled through this whole plot is some stuff about a guy and his father and the same guy and his wife. Those scenes don't really matter when you go to a movie to see giant monsters fight, or a giant monster destroy a city. I have to say that I did kinda enjoy the scenes without the giant monsters, but I really just wanted to watch Godzilla do his thing. It was a bit of a letdown that it took about 45-50 minutes before Godzilla was actually on screen. You saw him briefly during the opening credits but that doesn't really count. 

The cast of this movie could have been switched with anyone around the same age as the actors in this movie and it wouldn't have been that big of a difference. I have to give Bryan Cranston credit for being in this movie. The way the trailers made it seem, you would think that he was the star of the movie. I would say his role is just above a cameo. I love Cranston's work on both Breaking Bad, and Malcolm in the Middle. I had my fingers crossed that the Lex Luthor rumors surrounding him were true, and was very heart broken that they weren't. He is a very talented actor and was great in what little of the movie he was in. Aaron Taylor-Johnson was the only other actor in this movie who I really liked, and I couldn't stand his name in the movie. The characters name was Ford, and I think that a couple of scientists would have come up with something a little less redneck sounding. I have been a fan of his since he did Kick-Ass, and he was the reason that I wanted to see the movie Savages, and it is just nice to see that he is becoming a bigger actor. I can't wait to see him in Avengers Age of Ultron. As far as this movie goes, though, I think that his character was just too "lucky". I usually hate when people say that the movie wouldn't have happened to a certain character if it weren't for a bunch of coincidences, but in this case it is true. Everywhere Ford goes, some kind of monster wrecks the place. He goes to Japan, and there is a monster wrecking stuff. He leaves Japan, and goes to Hawaii, and 'surprise, surprise' two monsters. He goes somewhere on the west coast next, and there is another monster. Finally he makes it back to his home in San Francisco, and all three monsters are there. On top of all this, after Hawaii, he is riding around with the military. I hate people who say "that is unrealistic" during a movie, but damn it: that is unrealistic! Sure Ford is a military person himself, but no squadron is going to just let somebody they don't know travel with them and be key parts of their mission. They would have told him to 'fuck off'. I think that Johnson did the best he could with what he was given. Now on to the worst part of the cast. Elizabeth Olsen was absolute shit in this movie. I have no idea how she got this job or any other acting job. Any scene that she was in was horrible. I didn't buy any of her emotions for a second. It's pretty bad when two CGI monsters are showing more emotion and love for each other than a real actress could, but it's true. There was absolutely no chemistry between her and her onscreen husband, Johnson. I am very concerned that she is in the next Avengers movie. I think that she should just go work for her sisters, and leave acting behind her. The CGI monster was more concerned with its young than Olsen expressed for her child in the movie. I have never seen her in anything else, so maybe this just wasn't the role for her. I just hope she doesn't ruin what should be the best movie of next summer.

I know it seems that I didn't like this movie, but I truly did. Godzilla looked like an updated version of what he used to. He had radioactive fire breath, and an amazing roar. I loved how the movie kept teasing you of a monster fight scene, and then cutting away. It really built up to the final fight between Godzilla and the bad monsters. I have to say this movie had the best "French kissing" scene I have seen in a long time. Overall I have to say that if you want to see Godzilla kick some major ass. this is definitely the movie for you. I give it a 7 out of 10.    

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